EasyAngle is an extensively researched digital goniometer, used in both human and veterinaty applications. With many EasyAngle studies completed and more underway, you can rest assured that you are using a device that confirms to the highest clinical standards. Insurance companies often require accurate measurements when assessing claims. With EasyAngle, the process of taking these measurements is fast, consistent and reliable.

Together with the efforts of researches around the globe, we tested the device for its validity, reliability and usability.

Elbow during shoulder Flexion

Authors: Alon Rabin, Brakha R. Tabi, Timothy L. Uhl, and Zvi Kozol

Journal: Journal of Sport Rehabilitation

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Assessing Hip Range of Motion in Healthy Children

The EasyAngle® is a digital goniometer that may be beneficial for use in pediatric settings as it requires only one hand to operate the device.

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Knee Flexion & Hip Extension ROM: Digital Goniometer vs. Motion Tracking

Nedović, N.,ić, S, Kozinc, Ž., Vujičić, D. (2024)

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Effectiveness of EMMETT technique on Iliotibial band tightness in football players

This study aims to determine the impact of the EMMETT technique on iliotibial band (ITB) flexibility in young male football athletes. 

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Reliability for Knee ROM

Svensson M, Lind V, Löfgren Harringe M.,Karolinska Institutet (2018)

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Validity and Reliability for Hip ROM

Karin Fröjd,
University of Uppsala (2016)

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Usability and Reliability for Cervical Rotation

Sebastian Köcker,
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg (2017)

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Reliability for Straight Leg Lift Test

Emilie Brinkeback & Emma Lundqvist,Karolinska Institute (2015)

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Reliability for Measuring Scapular Mobility

Silverson OA, Cascia NG, Hettrich CM, Heebner NR, Uhl TL
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2019)

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Cervical Flexion Validation Study

Headache is a common and costly health problem.Although the pathogenesis of headache is heterogeneous

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Measuring an elbow joint

The intraclass correlation (ICC) values for interraterreliability varied between 0.72-0.95 which was classified as good

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Measuring shoulder rotational strength ROM

hirty healthy individuals (15 males, 15 females),with a mean age of 22.3 +/- 1.8 years,

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Usability and reliability of a new goniometer

The main objective of the study,
initiated at CRF La Châtaigneraie Menucourt,

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Shoulder girdle variables in elite wheelchair athletes

Development of shoulder pain in athletes with disabilitiesis a common phenomenon and is multifactorial.

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Upper cervical range of rotation

The flexion-rotation test (FRT) is widely used todetect movement dysfunction in the spinal

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Validity of Equine Joint ROM Measurement

Goniometry is the measurement of joint angleswith a conventional universal goniometer(2019)

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More than 12 EasyAngle studies are published, and 5 projects are currently under way.
Our internal database includes non-published material, such as master thesis projects which are available upon request.
We are continuously welcoming new project proposals. For more information click on the links to the right.

All the data contained in this table are presented according to
preliminary project proposals

For more information contact

  • america


    United States Pre-season Neck Mobility and Risk of Shoulder and Elbow Injury in College Baseball Pitchers: a prospective cohort study. Estimated completion year 2023.

  • austria


    Non-invasive determination of scoliosis-specific parameters - determination of diagnostic accuracy of a novel digital angle measurement, in the context of an empirical study on patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (RCT). Estimated completion year 2025.

  • Turkey


    Validity And Reliability of EasyAngle® Digital Goniometer to Measuring Cobb Angle of Main Thoracic Curve in Patients with Scoliosis. Estimated completion year 2022.

  • croatia


    Comparison of Easy Angle, smartphone application, bubble goniometer, and gravitational scale goniometer. Estimated completion year 2023.

  • croatia


    Goniometry of Wrist and Metacarpophalangeal Joint. Estimated completion year 2023.


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