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EasyAngle – evidence behind the most versatile goniometer on the market
- , by Marko Dombi
- 8 min reading time

Since its launch in October 2016 EasyAngle was used in more than 27 research projects globally, including doctoral dissertations, and bachelor or master’s projects. In recent years (from 2019) the number of those studies steadily increased, almost tripling in number, as seen in Figure 1. This resulted in a solid evidence base for its use in research, as well as in clinical settings. Nine key projects examine the device’s reliability, validity, and usability, while most of the projects (18 of them) EasyAngle was used as a measurement instrument. In this blogpost, we analyze both of those study categories and summarize the evidence in tables. The data presented in figures and tables were collected in October 2022, using Google Scholar, PubMed, and PEDro web search engines, as well as Meloq internal research database. Unpublished studies are available on request, while published are accessible via their online journals.
Studies directly examining EasyAngle reliability, validity, and usability
Key evidence regarding the use of EasyAngle is based in 9 studies. The main goal of those was to examine EasyAngle as a novel Range of Motion measurement instrument. Most of the studies were conducted as part of the doctoral dissertations and were not published, while 4 were published in an Indexed journals. The overview is shown in Table 1. where it is visible that majority of authors report high/good or excellent reliability, validity and usability. For better visualization of the findings view Figure 2.
Studies in which EasyAngle was used as a measurement instrument
EasyAngle was used as a measurement device in 18 studies, from 2015 to 2022. Out of those, 15 were published (10,11,20–25,12–19), and 3 were thesis projects (10,26,27). The fact about increasing the use of EasyAngle in research projects indicates that academics in various fields chose EasyAngle as their measurement instrument, basing their decision on the excellent findings of the key nine projects.Ongoing projects
In 2021, together with 6 research groups, we started several new projects in strategically chosen fields that haven’t been studied yet. Those projects are in different stages of completion. The news about those will be posted on Meloq platforms upon publication.Looking forward
Innovation of medical technology is achievable only through high-quality research and an evidence-based approach. Six years of EasyAngle on the market and the collaborative efforts of researchers have yielded an increase in evidence behind the most versatile goniometer on the market today. We will continue to work towards building a strong evidence base behind our technology with a vision of becoming the number one supplier of assessment equipment in rehabilitation and sports performance fields.References
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